Current local time in Solkwitz: 21:33 - there is night already.
Webcams in the region of Solkwitz:
Germany - Altenbeuthen, 8 mi: Hohenwartestausee Droschkau Neumannshof: View onto the Hohenwartestausee with the camping sites Droschkau and Neumannshof.
Germany - Kahla, 8.3 mi: Weather in Kahla: View towards the shopping center 07768 Kahla/Thüringen.
Germany - Kaulsdorf, 11.7 mi: View onto Kaulsdorf: A view onto Kaulsdorf with current weather data.
Germany - Saalfeld: Bergfried 1 - from Solkwitz 13.5 mi away.
Germany - Knobelsdorf, 14.8 mi: Fischersdorf and Breternitz: A view from Knobelsdorf.
Germany - Jena, 16.1 mi: Jena City View: A view from the rooftop of the DPOP Agency.
Germany - Jena, 16.1 mi: Weather Station Beutenberg-Campus: A view towards the city center (NNE).
Germany - Bürgel, 17.2 mi: View towards Jena: Weathercam viewing towards Jena.
Germany - Bürgel, 17.2 mi: View towards Eisenberg: Weathercam viewing towards Eisenberg.
Germany - Hirschberg (Saale), 21.4 mi: Weather in Hirschberg: This webcam offers a view of the current weather in Hirschberg an der Saale.
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