Current local time in Wasserleben: 11:36 - there is daylight.
Webcams in the region of Wasserleben:
Germany - Wernigerode, 5.8 mi: Drei Annen Hohne Train Station: View of the train station Drei Annen Hohne in Werningerode, Germany.
Germany - Wernigerode, 5.8 mi: Train Station Wernigerode: View of the train station of Wernigerode from the Hotel Altora.
Germany - Wernigerode, 5.8 mi: Diesterweg - Schule: A live view from Wernigerode.
Germany - Wernigerode, 5.8 mi: Skigebiet Zwölfmorgental: A live view from Wernigerode.
Germany - Bad Harzburg, 9.1 mi: Cafe Winuwuk: A view of the Sonnenhof from the cafe Winuwuk.
Germany - Bad Harzburg, 9.1 mi: Burgberg-Seilbahn: View of mount Grosser Burgberg (483 m) and the Burgberg-Seilbahn.
Germany - Brocken, 10.3 mi: BrockenCam: Current images from the highest mountain in northern Germany towards Werningerode.
Germany - Brocken, 10.3 mi: Brocken Railway Station: View of the Brockenbahnhof (railway station) of the HSB in the Harz Mountains. The image refreshes every 10 minutes.
Germany - Brocken, 10.3 mi: View towards the Brockenstein: A webcam on the summit on mount Brocken.
Germany - Brocken, 10.3 mi: BrockenCam: A live view from mount Brocken.
Hotels and holiday homes nearby (via