Current local time in Urmersbach: 22:18 - there is night already.
Webcams in the region of Urmersbach:
Germany - Cochem, 7.4 mi: View of the Reichsburg: The webcam Cochem Mosel shows a live view of the Mosel valley and the Reichsburg. In the front you can see the houses of the old town and in the back you can see the ruins of Winneburg. The current weather in Cochem.
Germany - Cochem, 7.4 mi: Moselpromenade: The view from the Hotel Noss.
Germany - Cochem: River Moselle - from Urmersbach 7.4 mi away.
Germany - Ettringen (Eifel), 8.3 mi: Ettringen WeatherCam: Webcam view towards Hochsimmer and current weather data.
Germany - Ernst: Moselle River - from Urmersbach 8.5 mi away.