Webcams in the Region of Saerbeck, Germany

Current local time in Saerbeck: 22:01 - there is night already.

Webcams in the region of Saerbeck:

Mettingen - 10.9 mi
Germany - Mettingen, 10.9 mi: Weathercam Schlickelde: A view of the current weather situation in Mettingen-Schlickelde, view towards NNW.
Münster - 15.3 mi
Germany - Münster, 15.3 mi: View over Münster: A view over the city of Münster in Westphalia from the AG Klimatologie of Münster University.
Münster - 15.3 mi
Germany - Münster: Aasee Münster - from Saerbeck 15.3 mi away.
Münster - 15.3 mi
Germany - Münster: Several Views - from Saerbeck 15.3 mi away.
Münster - 15.3 mi
Germany - Münster, 15.3 mi: Aasee Münster - Yachtschule Overschmidt: A view from the rooftop of the Yachtschule Overschmidt.
Bad Iburg - 17.5 mi
Germany - Bad Iburg, 17.5 mi: Teuto-Cam Bad Iburg-Sentrup: View in northwestern direction towards 'Grosser Freeden', Teutoburg Forest.
Georgsmarienhütte - 17.6 mi
Germany - Georgsmarienhütte, 17.6 mi: City View: A view from the town hall of Georgsmarienhütte.
Osnabrück - 18.8 mi
Germany - Osnabrück, 18.8 mi: Rathausplatz: View of the Rathausplatz in Osnabrück.
Osnabrück - 18.8 mi
Germany - Osnabrück: Weathercam Westerberg - from Saerbeck 18.8 mi away.
Bramsche - 21.3 mi
Germany - Bramsche, 21.3 mi: Münsterplatz: A view of the Münsterplatz in Bramsche, refreshes every 5 seconds.

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