Current local time in Darlington: 18:03 - there is night already.
Webcams in the region of Darlington:
USA - Kings Beach, California, 40.5 mi: Beachview: Sunny Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe
USA - Norden, California, 40.8 mi: Sugar Bowl Ski Resort: Several views of the Sugar Bowl Ski Resort near Norden, California.
USA - Boreal Mountain Resort, California, 40.8 mi: Current Snow Conditions: View of the current snow conditions at the Boreal Mountain Resort.
USA - Truckee, California, 43 mi: Lake View: Donner Lake in Truckee, California.
USA - Pinecrest, California, 43.4 mi: Dodge Ridge Ski Resort - Base Cam: Controllable webcam at the Dodge Ridge Ski Resort showing the current snow conditions.
USA - Virginia City, Nevada: View of the C Street - from Darlington 56.9 mi away.
Hotels and holiday homes nearby (via