All Webcams in Wuppertal in an Overview

If you know more cameras in Wuppertal you can submit them here!
Monorail - View of the monorail station Wuppertal, Elberfeld, Döppersberg.

Webcam Wuppertal: Monorail

Webcam Operator: Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal
WeatherCam Wuppertal-Barmen - The camera faces east, towards Langerfeld, and updates during daylight.

Webcam Wuppertal: WeatherCam Wuppertal-Barmen

Webcam Operator: Das Wetter in Wuppertal - Barmen
Central Station - A view of the central station in Wuppertal.

Webcam Wuppertal: Central Station

Webcam Operator: TAL TV
Bus Station - View of the bus station and the Schwebebahn station Döppersberg.

Webcam Wuppertal: Bus Station

Webcam Operator: TAL TV
St. Laurentius Kirche - St. Laurentius church in Wuppertal Elberfeld.

Webcam Wuppertal: St. Laurentius Kirche

Webcam Operator: TAL TV