Webcam in Bremerhaven, Germany: Several Webcams

Current Local Time in Bremerhaven: 03:23 - It's currently night there (Sunrise: 05:33 - Sunset: 21:29)
Several Webcams - Several webcams offer a nice overview of the port Bremerhafen. Click the preview image to watch the original webcam.

Bremerhaven 35 minutes ago
Bremerhaven 35 minutes ago

Webcams nearby:

This webcam Bremerhaven with the theme Harbors was added on August 23, 2006 and is operated by Bremerhavener Entwicklungsgesellschaft Alter/Neuer Hafen. It got 17441 visitors since then. If this camera doesn't work or should the link be wrong please report that here. You can add this webcam here to myCams.

The most popular Germany-webcams:

The most recent additions:

The current weather forecast for Bremerhaven in in cooperation with

leicht bew?lkt
15° / 19°C
(59° / 66°F)
leicht bew?lkt
20° / 22°C
(68° / 72°F)
17° / 22°C
(63° / 72°F)
leichter Regenschauer
15° / 17°C
(59° / 63°F)
leicht bew?lkt
16° / 19°C
(61° / 66°F)
leicht bew?lkt
19° / 20°C
(66° / 68°F)
16° / 19°C
(61° / 66°F)
leicht bew?lkt
14° / 16°C
(57° / 61°F)
In 2 Days:
leicht bew?lkt
14° / 19°C
(57° / 66°F)
leicht bew?lkt
19° / 23°C
(66° / 73°F)
17° / 23°C
(63° / 73°F)
leicht bew?lkt
14° / 15°C
(57° / 59°F)
Here we have a list of places in Germany with webcams nearby.