Webcams in the Region of Prêles, Switzerland

Current local time in Prêles: 12:00 - there is daylight.

Webcams in the region of Prêles:

Plagne - 1.9 mi
Switzerland - Plagne: 360° Panorama Plagne - from Prêles 1.9 mi away.
Bözingenberg - 2.5 mi
Switzerland - Bözingenberg: 360° Panorama Bözingenberg - from Prêles 2.5 mi away.
Bellelay - 5.8 mi
Switzerland - Bellelay, 5.8 mi: 360° Panorama Bellelay: A splendid panorama view.
Grenchen - 6.9 mi
Switzerland - Grenchen: 360° Panorama Grenchen Flughafen - from Prêles 6.9 mi away.
Ligerz - 9.6 mi
Switzerland - Ligerz, 9.6 mi: Festiguet Winery: Webcam of the Festiguet winery on the Festi ob Ligerz. View in southern direction over the vineyards towards Lake Biel.
Nods - 9.9 mi
Switzerland - Nods: 275° Panorama Chasseral - from Prêles 9.9 mi away.
Saint-Ursanne - 12.2 mi
Switzerland - Saint-Ursanne: 240° Panorama Saint-Ursanne - from Prêles 12.2 mi away.
Delémont - 12.2 mi
Switzerland - Delémont: 360° Panorama Delémont - from Prêles 12.2 mi away.
Delémont - 12.2 mi
Switzerland - Delémont, 12.2 mi: 360° Panorama Jura - Delémont Vieille Ville: A splendid panorama view.
Saint-Imier - 12.3 mi
Switzerland - Saint-Imier: 360° Panorama Mont Soleil - from Prêles 12.3 mi away.

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